Fun Monkey Facts

  1. Monkeys are primates, which means they are closely related to humans.
  2. There are over 260 different species of monkeys in the world.
  3. Some monkeys are very social and live in large groups, while others are more solitary.
  4. Monkeys are incredibly intelligent and can learn complex tasks.
  5. They have amazing dexterity and can use their hands and feet to manipulate objects.
  6. Monkeys can communicate with each other using a variety of vocalizations, facial expressions, and body language.
  7. Some monkeys are omnivores, while others are herbivores.
  8. Monkeys are found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.
  9. They play an important role in their ecosystems by dispersing seeds and pollinating plants.
  10. Many monkey species are endangered due to habitat loss and hunting.